Submersible Transducers
Submersible Transducers
Guyson's 'Kerry' branded KST ultrasonic block transducers are designed for applications such as retrofitting to existing cleaning tanks, often used before plating, or incorporation into new machines on an OEM basis. All KST block transducers are manufactured from 316L stainless steel, with hard chrome plated radiating faces for durability.
Download the Guyson ultrasonic products range brochure here.
Product Details
'Kerry' KST submersible ultrasonic transducers are available in six 'standard' configurations or specially built to suit your specific requirements.
Guyson's KST submersible transducers features:
- Bulkhead or side mountable depending on your application
- 316L stainless steel transducers with chrome radiating faces for durability and resistance to cavitation erosion
- Complete with high-efficiency Guyson Sonic Digital HS3 ultrasonic generator for powerful cleaning and reliability
- Each submersible is supplied with between 5 and 5 metres of co-axial generator cable
Guyson Sonic Digital HS3 Generator

- Digital frequency generation and control
- Constant power output - digitally controllable between 50-100%
- Interface for monitoring and controlling process-relevant functions
- Switched-mode power supply
- High efficiency - low heat build-up
- Optimised operational reliability
- Standard frequencies: 40 and 80 kHz
- Other frequencies available on request
Prospective users of Guyson ultrasonic cleaning equipment are encouraged to submit sample components for free feasibility testing in the company’s extensive development workshop at Skipton, England. Contact Guyson now - see contact details at the bottom of this page.
Got a cleaning problem and want to talk it through with someone?
Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 and one of our experienced sales engineers will come out and talk through your problem, take away samples, process them for free and get back to you with a recommended course of action. Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 or email
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Finishing Equipment - Sales, Technical, Demonstration & Manufacturing