Micro Blasting System (Pencil Blaster)
Micro Blasting System (Pencil Blaster)
Guyson's Microblast system, the Guyson Pencil Blaster, can clean or spot blast delicate or intricate components using an ultra-fine micro nozzle (available with 0.8 mm, 1.2 mm or 1.8 mm blast nozzle bore) and fine media. This compact pressure fed unit is externally fitted and uses a hardened nozzle, operated by a separate foot pedal.
Product Details
The Pencil Blaster can be supplied with any new standard Formula or Euroblast cabinet and retrofitted to most bead blast cabinets, or used as a free-standing unit. Available as single or twin-chamber options.
Typical applications for the Guyson micro blast unit
Typical applications that benefit from the usage of the Pencil Blast unit includes localised conformal coating removal from electronic components - during repair work, removal of phosphate bonded casting investment from the cobalt chrome crown and bridge cases by dental technicians in the dental laboratory, fine etching of art and trophy glass, jewellery and watch repairs, cleaning fossils and other museum artefacts, fine mould cleaning, selective aerospace maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) on turbine blades.
How to choose the correct blast cabinet

Guyson has created a brochure that tells you all you need to know about Guyson manual blast equipment, the options, the sizes - and how to choose the best machine for you - so why not download the 'Guyson Manual Blast Equipment Guidelines' for further background information on blast equipment selection.
Prospective users of Guyson abrasive blasting equipment are encouraged to submit sample components for free feasibility testing in the company’s extensive Component Finishing Centre at Skipton, England. Contact Guyson now - see contact details to the bottom of this page.
Got a blast finishing problem and want to talk it through with someone?
Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 and one of our experienced sales engineers will come out and talk through your problem, take away samples, process them for free and get back to you with a recommended course of action. Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 or email info@guyson.co.uk
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Laboratories and Workshops
Guyson's NEW range of benchtop ultrasonic baths are an affordable way to improve cleaning quality in medical, dental, school and other laboratories.
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing
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Decoration of Glass & Ceramics
Guyson blasting equipment can be used as an etch to produce logos and insignia on glass, pottery, cutlery, medals and items such as stone memorials and house signs. It is...
Cosmetic Finishing
Whether you are addressing minor surface imperfections, replacing an inconsistent manual blasting operation or streamlining a high-production process, we can help.
Medical Devices and Orthopaedic Implants
Many medical orthopaedic implants, such as hip and knee joints and dental implant screws are blasted to produce a precise keyed surface topography which improves adhesion of special coatings such...
Optics and Photonics
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Turbocharger Deburring and Reconditioning
Turbocharger components are often reconditioned by shot blasting in Guyson Euroblast pressure fed blast cabinets, prior to their rebuild and re-assembly, the most common form of media for this process...
Finishing Equipment - Sales, Technical, Demonstration & Manufacturing