Kerry Microclean - Multi-Stage Aqueous Cleaner
Kerry Microclean - Multi-Stage Aqueous Cleaner
Guyson's 'Kerry' branded Microclean 4-stage ultrasonic aqueous cleaning system, (heated ultrasonic clean, rinse, rinse, warm air dry) suits a wide range of cleaning needs in aerospace, engineering, electronics and other sectors. Closed-loop, high purity deionised water rinsing produces organic and ionic cleanliness superior to MIL standard.
Standard Microclean features include: under surface jets and weir overflow to all wet stages.
Options include:
- Pre-clean module with oil separator for heavy-duty cleaning
- Ultrasonics to rinse stages
- Vertical agitation to all wet stages
- Double capacity hot air drying for increased throughput
- Microclean 450 4-stage ultrasonic aqueous cleaning system with Autotrans iDrive
Product Details
Microclean's modular design means that additional stages can be added to meet a variety of process requirements.
Alternatively, a 3-stage system (heated ultrasonic clean, rinse, warm air dry) is also available. Microclean systems may be operated manually, fitted with lift (3-stage systems), or fitted with Autotrans iDrive automation, where the Microclean's PLC-based control system interfaces with the Autotrans to provide fully automatic operation.
Download the Guyson ultrasonic products range brochure here.
Prospective users of Guyson's Microclean ultrasonic cleaning systems are encouraged to submit sample components for free feasibility testing in the company’s extensive Component Finishing Centre at Skipton, England. Contact Guyson now - see contact details at the bottom of this page.
Got a cleaning problem and want to talk it through with someone?
Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 and one of our experienced sales engineers will come out and talk through your problem, take away samples, process them for free and get back to you with a recommended course of action. Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 or email
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