Robotic Blasting Systems
Robotic Blasting Systems
Robotically Controlled Blasting Equipment
Automated blast cleaning improves on all those areas that are weak in manual blasting and brings key process parameters under control and provides a high degree of repeatability, so long as the geometry of the components is relatively simple.
However, due to the linear nature (x-y axis) of traditional automated process control, when the shapes and contours of the components are complex, and the blasted surface finish is critical, a conventional automated blast system may not be able to meet all the precision component manufacturer's quality requirements.
Product Details

Fully automated robotically controlled blasting systems are proven to deliver real daily running cost savings in both compressed air consumption and media usage. Far fewer blast guns are required than in the traditional blanket coverage approach with multiple guns. Additional regular cost savings from robotic blasting include greatly reduced blast media costs through less media breakdown and lower wastage. Furthermore, a smaller and cheaper dust collector can be specified, with reduced waste requiring disposal. The introduction of this type of precise robot blasting can also eliminate operator Health & Safety risks relating to both RSI and vibration white finger problems.
For complex precision components and shot peening, robotically controlled blasting delivers an outstanding range of benefits. It provides a precise blast stand-off distance around the surface contour of the most complex shapes coupled with the minimum of overspray and maximum blast efficiency.
Benefits include:
- Precise blast profile
- Repeatable surface treatment
- Simplified blast validation capabilities
- Fast set-up and recall of blast profiles to match components
- Lower running costs compared to multiple blast gun systems
- Elimination of RSI and VWF operator injuries
- Lights out blast procedure possible
- Frees up operator personnel.
Top Ten Reasons For Robot Blasting
To assist potential customers in accurately evaluating this strategic move toward robot blasting, Guyson has produced an illustrative brochure highlighting the top ‘10 Reasons for Robot Blasting’. A PDF version of this can be freely obtained from the downloads section on this page or by contacting Guyson’s Customer Service Department on +44 (0)1756 799911 or emailing
Typical applications for Guyson robotic blast systems
- Shot peening of turbine blades
- Shot peening airframe components
- Shot peen aerostructure ribs
- Shot peen seal rings
- Aerospace MRO
- Surface preparation of medical implants (hips, knees)
Component Finishing Centre
Guyson has a fully integrated working 'robotic blasting system' incorporated into the Component Finishing Centre to be able to demonstrate how the adoption of these sophisticated new precision robotic blasting techniques can deliver investment cost savings over traditional multiple blast gun systems, which are often much larger and more complicated to validate and continuously maintain. And in a strategic move to expand its robotically controlled blasting capabilities in Europe Guyson has entered into a partnership agreement with ABB Robotics.
Prospective users of Guyson robotically controlled blasting systems are encouraged to submit sample components for free feasibility testing in the company’s extensive Component Finishing Centre at Skipton, England. Contact Guyson now - see contact details to the right of this page.
Got an automated blasting problem and want to talk it through with someone?
Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 and one of our experienced sales engineers will come out and talk through your problem, take away samples, process them for free and get back to you with a recommended course of action. Call Guyson now on 01756 799911 or email
Shot Peening
Controlled shot peening is regularly specified by the aerospace, automotive and nuclear industries to enhance component service life.
Shot Blasting
Shot blasting is another term, such as sandblasting, that is often used as a generic term for various types of blast finishing such as bead blasting, grit blasting and sand...
Grit Blasting
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Our surface cleaning and finishing products are utilised at every level of the automotive pipeline, from garage maintenance all the way to Tier 1 manufacturers and Formula 1 race teams.
Cosmetic Finishing
Whether you are addressing minor surface imperfections, replacing an inconsistent manual blasting operation or streamlining a high-production process, we can help.
Medical Devices and Orthopaedic Implants
Many medical orthopaedic implants, such as hip and knee joints and dental implant screws are blasted to produce a precise keyed surface topography which improves adhesion of special coatings such...
Bead Blasting
Bead blasting is the operation of propelling, typically with compressed air, a stream of abrasive material (blast media) against a surface to affect the surface finish.
Oil, Gas and Energy
Guyson International has been providing effective grit blasting equipment to many of the oil and gas industry's leading companies, for example the cleaning of drill rod threads and deburring couplings,...
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