Blast and Wash Applications

Many of Guyson's customers require more than one product to fully undertake their specific application, they may require their parts blasting and then cleaning or the part degreasing before blasting. And this is where Guyson scores over single product companies who only manufacture or sell either one of; blast, ultrasonic or spray wash. Guyson manufacture and sell all three.
Below are just three applications where at least two Guyson products were needed to undertake the application thoroughly.
Additive Manufacturing
Guyson has recently installed one of their Formula 1400 blast cabinets, together with a ‘Kerry’ branded ultrasonic bath for surface finishing and ultrasonically cleaning of 3D printed parts which are used during veterinary implant procedures. The modified Guyson Formula 1400 blast cabinet has been installed to provide the desired cosmetic finish to a range of ‘dynamic tension plates’, created from CP Grade 1 Titanium powder which is fused using “Selective Laser Melting” (SLM) technology. The Fusion TTA implant consists of a honeycombed wedge and dynamic tension plate, both of which are fixed into position using an Ellis pin and titanium screw and used to repair cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) damage in dogs.
After the glass bead blasting, both components - implant wedge and dynamic tension plate - are then immersed in the Kerry ultrasonic bath for an initial cleaning and to remove any loose and residual, partially adhered titanium powder created during the ‘Selective Laser Melting’ (SLM) additive manufacturing process, or any remaining glass bead dust particles.
Cleaning Springs

Guyson installed one of its ‘Kerry’ branded Microsolve 350 Co-Solvent cleaning system, along with a Guyson Multiblast® T50 Tumblebasket system, into one of the largest independent spring manufacturers in the world. Both Guyson machines were installed to perform a dual function of providing higher levels of automation, whilst also improving product quality, during the production of compression springs. With the Microsolve 350 solvent cleaner used to remove mineral drawing oil from the formed springs before heat treatment, and then subsequent descaling in the T50 Tumbleblaster to produce an improved surface finish.
Deburr and Clean Automotive Components
One of France's largest manufacturers of automotive components installed a totally integrated Guyson Wash and Blast surface finishing system to deburr the holes and rims of two sizes of 90mm diameter spacers.

The fully synchronised system combines the use of a Guyson Multiblast® RXS900, indexing rotary table, multiple guns, bead blasting machine with a Guyson indexing in-line conveyor, three-stage aqueous wash, rinse, dry and cool machine. The parts are robotically loaded on to one side only, of the conveyor of the conveyorised wash machine and washed clean and dried. Then they are transferred to the blast machine for blast deburring.
Parts then emerges outside the cabinet to be robotically off-loaded and transferred for the second time to the conveyorised wash machine but on this occasion, it is placed on the opposite side of the dedicated machine belt to be washed, rinsed, dried and cooled to a surface temperature of less than 40°C to allow the finished pressings to be packed immediately before dispatch.