Alloy Wheel - Blast Reburbishment

The Guyson Wheelmaster has been specifically designed for blast etching of alloy wheels and incorporates many application-specific handling features that enable the operator to operate this wheel blasting system safely and without heavy lifting.

The blasting process provides a fast and even light etching to remove only the chipped lacquer on virtually new wheels, whilst being capable of etching right back to bare metal if required. And, unlike traditional disc sanders, it allows easy penetration of the blast media stream between the spokes and also very precise localised etching.
A pressure feed blast system is available as an option for intensive blasting or when needing to strip a wheel back to bare metal. The blast media is stored within a pressure pot and falls through a valve into a compressed air stream within the blast hose. It is then accelerated through the blast nozzle to impact upon the wheel. The pressure feed system produces faster-moving blast media and offers cycle times that can be up to four times faster than a suction feed system for tougher blasting applications.